If you search the internet for “Hydneye House”, you’d expect to see at least a few references to the old school, but these are pretty scarce. There are some images on Flickr, and a memorable picture of David Maltby sitting on the steps, and that’s about it!
I live about twelve miles north of Hastings, in Hawkhurst, and often go past the site where the old school was. For no other reason than wanting to keep some sort of record of the place, I’ve set up this blog so that if anyone else is interested, there’s a forum for like-minded Old Boys who can comment if they like, or just read any notes which appear. I don’t want to make this another Friends Reunited, although like a few others, I signed up years ago. This is really our own place!
If there’s a promising response, then it would be easy to extend the site and include much more, but like all things I suppose, a project like this has to start small!
Some years ago, my wife and I went for a drink with Gerald Brodribb at his home in Ewhurst, just down the road. It was an unusual chat, with some hilarity, and a bit of sadness too, but after a few drams and a long time reminiscing, he suddenly jumped up and unloaded a dozen or so of the old Hydneye magazines on me! Some of these are still around, so there’s at least some sort of record of what went on there...
If you’re new to blogging, it’s very easy to join in. All you have to do is click where it says ‘comment’, and type what you want in the box. You’ll obviously need to identify yourself too! And that’s about it!
I hope it works; the youngest Old Boy would have to be in his fifties, so there’s still some time left...!
Over to you – let’s see how far it’ll go!