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Monday, 15 February 2010
Middle class room...
Here is Major Bowen and several intense subjects - probably nailed to their seats...
He was the master who introduced Christ College Brecon to Hydneye, (he was an Old Boy from there), and I became the Guinea Pig...
Simon Tuite
Right, I'll try again to add some names. From left to right, on the window side: Hay, Andrew (A. M.) Scott, Simon Hicks. Alastair Dukes, Anthony Satchell, Tom Boltjes, and then, nearest the camera, Drummond. Any advance on that?
Or was it Hickes, with an 'e'? He was Simon Timothy, so his nickname was of course Sticks. We went to stay with each other in the hols and knew each other quite well. I met him some years after leaving Hydneye, and he was training to be a priest.
I'm pretty sure it was with an 'E', he was the spitting image of his dad (Arthur), whom I met a few years later, as I was involved with some buildings in Hastings in the sixties!
It was Stevens and Partners (I think), and then was one of the biggest practices around! He was a Day Boy wasn't he?
Do you remember Philip Blatchley?
He had a business in Hastings a few years ago, may still be there, on The Ridge, not far from the school!
Right, I'll try again to add some names. From left to right, on the window side: Hay, Andrew (A. M.) Scott, Simon Hicks. Alastair Dukes, Anthony Satchell, Tom Boltjes, and then, nearest the camera, Drummond. Any advance on that?
That's pretty good Simon, I wonder if Simon Hickes went to his dad's architectural practice in Hastings.
I'm in touch with Tom Boltjes via email, and Bert, his older brother, who is in Mexico now!
Or was it Hickes, with an 'e'? He was Simon Timothy, so his nickname was of course Sticks. We went to stay with each other in the hols and knew each other quite well. I met him some years after leaving Hydneye, and he was training to be a priest.
I'm pretty sure it was with an 'E', he was the spitting image of his dad (Arthur), whom I met a few years later, as I was involved with some buildings in Hastings in the sixties!
It was Stevens and Partners (I think), and then was one of the biggest practices around! He was a Day Boy wasn't he?
Do you remember Philip Blatchley?
He had a business in Hastings a few years ago, may still be there, on The Ridge, not far from the school!
Funnily enough, Simon Hickes was a boarder, even though he lived close enough to have been able to walk to school!
Philip Blatchley doesn't ring a bell I'm afraid.
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