Saturday 20 April 2024

The Catsfield Chronicle...

I'm glad Paddy Langdon booked a table a week go, as six of us turned up!

Andy Young, Howard Kidd, Tim Masterman, Nick Clive-Mathews, Paddy and yours truly!

It was a very convivial lunch, with the usual banter and a lot of mutual goodwill, and the general view was that there should be a return match sometime in late Summer, a time which seemed to suit several others after the recent 'call to arms'!

Sunday 18 February 2024

First HHS OB's Lunch of 2024...

We're planning the next lunch at the same pub in Catsfield, where we met before!

Early dates are either Wednesday 3rd April, or Wednesday 10th April, and everyone is invited to join us - we may be a group of six, but the pub can easily cater for more!

I always bring the old mags, which are getting a bit tattered now, but the banter around the table last time was just fabulous!