Friday 28 April 2023

Fire escape ladder...

I was reading a Nevil Shute novel from the 1940s the other day, and he was describing an internal fire escape ladder in one of the scenes in the book!

The recall began to grow, and I'm sure there was a red (?) retractable fire escape ladder in one of the passages at HHS!

Can anyone enlighten me please, as I've tried searching for such images and have found none!

I think it was situated somewhere along the passage between Sister's room and the high passage across to Wren, near 'The Blackwater' Lead Pedestal wc (remember that) at the end, but I could well be wrong!


Douglas Kell said...

I do remember this. I think it was in one of the dorms that faced the front where the Cedar Trees were

Scrobs. said...

Sorry, missed this!

That would have been either Alfred, Nelson or Sydney then!

I was only ever in Sydney, and am wracking my brains...