Thursday 4 February 2021

Cap and tie...

This normally hangs from a nail in the roof...


Edward Atkinson said...

I still have the tie, but sadly no longer the cap or blazer.

Michael Armitage said...

I've also still got the Brecon cap in the roof, Edward!

Bit sad isn't it...

Stuart Roberts said...

The tie depicted is the "Hydneye House Society" tie that was presented to leavers on their final day. In my time at HHS, the school tie was plain black (changed to plain scarlet in about 1968). The prefects wore a tie of red and white bars, made of a different material

Michael Armitage said...

Oh yes, it's an OB's tie and decidedly tatty...

Why black ties were always the Sunday choice I've never understood! It was the same at Brecon for Sundays too!