Here is the 1960 mag in it's entirety!
One item to see, is that there is a picture of - I think - Asif Fancy in the foreground. His family are in touch here as we speak!
I seem to remember that at that particular tournament, he won against the Chess Master, who had just demolished the rest of us in record time!
Again, my apologies for the 'quality' of this post! The pages are easily readable here, but if you just click on them they'll enlarge to a finer reading value!
I still have an H.H.S. tie. I had a few, since Wards in Hastings sold them off for a pound each in the 1980s, but I only kept one after my Dad died and my Mum sold the house in Hollington. I should have kept at least one more!
Morning Edward!
They do hang about, don't they!
I still have an HHS tie, and also my original red cap!
I didn't realise that Wards took over the school clothing list. Was this after Lewis Hyland packed up?
Remember Lewis Hyland... They had aerial wires all over the shop, where you paid the chap on the counter, and he'd wind a little handle, and the money went up to some sort of cupboard high up near the ceiling!
I had a running account with Wards a few years later, and regularly bought clothes there - I still have a jacket and a blazer too...
Are you still living in Hastings?
Hello Michael,
I'm afraid I don't remember Lewis Hyland. I went to Hydneye pre-prep, run by Miss Reynolds, in 1968 aged 4. Wards was already the Hydneye outfitters then.
I left Hastings in 1989 to work in Switzerland, where I still live. My Mum lived in Hastings until her death in 2016, and I stayed with her there at least once a year. I used to then visit Miss Reynolds who died a few years earlier, but was over 90.
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