Tuesday 13 September 2016

Bill Mozley's bench...

On an earlier post, I received a comment from a reader, who had been on holiday and noticed Bill's bench! He had noticed the inscription, searched for our site, and put two and two together!

What is amazing, is that Justin was taking a holiday in Cambodia, and Bill's gift to the school on leaving in 1964 had somehow migrated there some time after HHS closed!

After sending the above pics, Justin emailed me this: -

"How Fascinating!

I've emailed the owner of the yoga retreat - a French gentleman in his mid 60s, called Bruno. His resort is called Angkor Zen Gardens. 

He said the bench was given to him by an Englishman, who had moved to Cambodia from South Africa....that joins a few more dots?!"

So, the big question is, did the benefactor go to HHS? 

Most of the younger HHS boys would probably remember the bench; but where it was kept, I don't know. It may well have gone to Glengorse, and that place was a mystery to me anyway, so it could really have been anyone!

The plot thickens!


Edward Atkinson said...

I went to Glengorse and Hydneye after the amalgamation. I was at H.H.S. for my first year at school (pre-prep 1968-9). I think I remember the bench at Glengorse, but I'm really not sure. In the end there was a bust up between the man who owned the Glengorse property and Battle Abbey who owned the "school" (late 1980s) so then anything could have happened to anything. I was pleasantly surprised the H.H.S. war dead board has ended up at Battle Abbey.

Scrobs. said...

Hello again Edward!

I've got absolutely nowhere with this story, so many thanks for this!

I'm seeing an old HHS contemporary for a beer in January, and he at least knew Bill's sister, so we may get a bit further!

I suppose a trawl round Battle might produce something, but although I worked there and had relations living there in the sixties, I've completely lost touch with the place!

Best wishes anyway!

Anonymous said...

Mike Brodribb lived recently in Cambodia running a guest-house. He trained in Switzerland as a pastry chef? and has worked in the hospitality business in various places (including Rye)
No 66 1965 to closure.